Graphisoft Park SE was established through a demerger from Graphisoft SE. The shares of the new company are traded on Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) since 2006 and operates as regulated real estate investment company (SZIT) since 2018. Based on the survey of the Budapest Stock Exchange, Graphisoft Park received the “issuers’ transparency mid-cap” special award for the year 2017 and 2020.

Forecast for 2024

June 30, 2024

2022 actual

2023 actual

2024 plan

Rental revenue

(million EUR)




Net profit (pro forma, IFRS) 

(million EUR)




Net asset value at fair value per share

           15.80   (EUR)

Brief summary of 2024 Q2 results                                 

Graphisoft Park was built for and named after the founding software company. The emphasis was placed on the highest possible architectural quality, as the rent is a negligible part of the total cost of quality labor, and the main goal of the founder remains attracting quality labor. The concept worked, and tenants who treated the acquisition of talent as a priority and were therefore less price sensitive started arriving one after the other. The example to follow, albeit on a much smaller scale, was Silicon Valley in California. Just as for companies like the founding software company, the original Silicon Valley may have been more attractive than downtown San Francisco, Graphisoft Park exhibited consistently close to 100% occupancy rates at almost the same level of rents as downtown. Only the crisis of 2008-09 could cause a temporary setback to this.

Graphisoft Park SE - Sustainability Report 2023 (ESG Report)

Graphisoft Park SE - Sustainability Report 2022 (ESG Report)

Graphisoft Park has won the Green Frog Award for our first ESG report.  We continue our sustainability efforts and keep Graphisoft Park green.

Be proud of excellence—join us in celebrating our achievement as the first to receive Active Score certification in Hungary!

Quarterly Report 2024 Q2
August 13, 2024

Quarterly Report 2024 Q1
May 14, 2024
Annual Report 2023
April 29, 2024
Quarterly Report 2023 Q4
February 20, 2024
Quarterly Report 2023 Q3
November 9, 2023
Quarterly Report 2023 Q2
August 9, 2023

Quarterly Report 2023 Q1
May 9, 2023

Annual Report 2022
April 28, 2023

Quarterly Report 2022 Q4
February 21, 2023
Quarterly Report 2022 Q3
November 8, 2022
Quarterly Report 2022 Q2
August, 9, 2022
Quarterly Report 2022 Q1
May 10, 2022
Annual Report 2021
April 21, 2022
Quarterly Report 2021 Q4
February 22, 2022
Quarterly Report 2021 Q3
November 9, 2021

Quarterly Report 2021 Q2
August 10, 2021

Quarterly Report 2021 Q1
May 11, 2021
Annual Report 2020
April 20, 2021

Quarterly Report 2020 Q4
February 23, 2021

Quarterly Report 2020 Q3
November 10, 2020

Quarterly Report 2020 Q2
August 13, 2020

Quarterly Report 2020 Q1
May 14, 2020

Annual Report 2019
April 30, 2020

Previous Financial reports are available in Announcements

Graphisoft Park SE, the owner of the Graphisoft Park, was established through a demerger from Graphisoft SE, a software developer company, on August 21, 2006. The purpose of the restructuring was to spin off a new company, dedicated to real estate development and management. The shares of the new company are traded on Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) since August 28, 2006. Based on the survey of the Budapest Stock Exchange, Graphisoft Park received the “issuers’ transparency mid-cap” special award for the year 2017 and 2020. The Graphisoft Park SE operates as regulated real estate investment company (SZIT) since 2018.

The real estate development is performed by the subsidiaries of Graphisoft Park SE, namely Graphisoft Park Kft., Graphisoft Park South I. Kft. and Graphisoft Park South II. Development Kft., while the Graphisoft Park Services Kft. (established in 2008) is responsible for property operation tasks. The Graphisoft Park Engineering & Management Kft. is responsible for the Group’s certain property management, engineering and administration activities from January 1, 2018.

For further stock and company information please visit the official site of Budapest Stock Exchange.

The total area of Graphisoft Park is nearly 18 hectares. Over the past 28 years, 82,000 m2 gross leasable area (offices, laboratories, educational area and auxiliary facilities) have been developed and occupied by tenants. Belonging to them underground parking facilities for around 2,000 cars are available. The remaining area provides the opportunity to develop an additional 66,000 m2 of gross leasable area together with underground parking and auxiliary facilities.

The real estate is categorized as follows:

Gross leasable area Office area 58,000 sqm

Laboratory 7,000 sqm

Educational area 8,000 sqm

Storage 6,000 sqm

Service area 3,000 sqm

Underground parking 2,000 pcs

Development area Northern development area (after remediation) 42,000 sqm

Southern development area 24,000 sqm

Furthermore, an additional 120,000 mof leasable area can be developed in an area (also affected by remediation) located directly next to the northern development area, which is owned by the Municipality of Budapest, and for the greater part of which the Company has the right of pre-emption in the event of a possible sale.

Date Event
February 20, 2024
Interim management report for the 4th quarter of 2023
March 26, 2024
Annual Report for the year 2023 and other proposals to the AGM
April 29, 2024
Annual General Meeting
May 14, 2024
Interim management report for the 1st quarter of 2024
August 13, 2024
Half-year report for the first half of 2024
November 12, 2024
Interim management report for the 3rd quarter of 2024

Dividend payment

Announcement on the payment of the dividend for the financial year 2023

GM - Resolutions - April 29, 2024

The Board of Directors of Graphisoft Park SE hereby publishes the resolutions of the General Meeting held on April 29, 2024

General Meeting resolutions

IFRS _Annual report 2023

Standalone audit report

Consolidated audit report

CG report

GM - Proposals - March 26, 2024

The Board of Directors of Graphisoft Park SE hereby publishes the submission and resolution proposal in connection with the agenda of the General Meeting to be held on April 29, 2024

General Meeting submission

IFRS _Annual report 2023

Standalone audit report

Consolidated audit report

AC report

CG report

Remuneration report

Genaral Meeting invitation - March 26, 2024

Invitation of the Graphisoft Park SE for the General Meeting to be held on April 29, 2024

GM invitation

Power of attorney for the GM

Power of attorney for the GM for employee


Previous GM information are available in Announcements

Public companies are increasingly expected to state clearly their corporate governance principles and to what extent those principles are implemented. As a company listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange, we are highly committed to meeting these expectations and legal and stock exchange requirements, within the rational limitats of the relatively small size of the Company.

On February 16, 2021, Graphisoft Park SE received the Mid-Cap Special Issuing Transparency Prize of the Budapest Stock Exchange.

The Statutes of Graphisoft Park SE provides as governing bodies the general meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors (single-tier system). Under the single-tier system, the SE is managed by the Board of Directors. The members of the Board of Directors have the power to represent the company in dealings with third parties. Under the single-tier system the Board of Directors may delegate the power of management to one or more of its members. The independent members of the Board of Directors form the Audit Committee.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the Company's management and decides on matters other than those that must be determined by shareholders. The Board of Directors is required to report annually to the shareholders at the annual general meeting of the shareholders.

Pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association, the Board of Directors consists of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 11 members elected at the annual general meeting of the shareholders for a term not to exceed of 5 years. Presently Graphisoft Park SE operates with 7 members of Board.

Meetings of the Board of Directors are held at least four times a year. Meetings of the Board of Directors require the presence of major for a quorum. Each member has one vote. The Board of Directors passes resolutions by simple majority vote.

Members of Board

Gábor BOJÁR,
Chairman of Board
Download CV

Member of Board
Download CV

Dr. János KÁLMÁN,
Member of Board
Download CV

Member of Board
Download CV

Member of Board
Download CV

Member of Board
Download CV

Ildikó FARKAS,
Member of Board
Download CV

Audit Commitee

The Audit Committee assists in the appointment of independent auditors to be elected by the annual general meeting and reviews the scope of external audit services. It must pre-approve all audit and non-audit services to be performed by the external auditor. The Audit Committee also reviews the annual financial statements of Graphisoft  Park, taking into account the results of the audits and reviews performed by the independent auditors. The Audit Committee also reviews financial reports submitted to the stock exchanges, banks and regulatory bodies. The Audit Committee shall have as many as necessary but at least four meetings each year. Audit Committee members are appointed from the independent members of the Board of Directors by the general meeting of the company.

Members of Audit Commitee:

  • Dr. János Kálmán
  • Dr. György Martin-Hajdu
  • Péter Hornung


Cheif executive officer of Graphisoft Park SE and Managing Director of the subsidiaries
Download CV

Ildikó FARKAS,
Chief Financial Officer , Investment relations
Download CV

Managing Director of Graphisoft Park Services Kft.
Download CV


The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform the shareholders about the processing of data in relation to the exercise of shareholder rights.


Graphisoft Park SE’s share capital consists of 10,631,674 class “A” publicly traded, marketable, registered ordinary shares of 0.02 euro face value, each representing equal and identical rights, and 1,876,167 class “B” employee shares of 0.02 euro face value.

Composition of share capital:

Share class Nominal value Number of shares issued Total nominal value

(EUR/pcs) (pcs) (EUR)
Ordinary shares
Class „A”
0.02 10 631 674 212 633,48
Employee shares
Class „B”
0.02 1 876 167 37 523.34
Class „A” and „B”
0.02 12 507 841 250 156.82

Class „B” employee shares are not marketable, connected to employment, may be withdrawn by the Board of Directors at any time, have no voting rights in decisions that require qualified majority and bear reduced rights to dividend at the proportion of one half of their face value. In the financial statements of the Company these payments are accounted as employee related expense instead of dividend. The Articles of Association and the Management Share Ownership Plan govern all other matters related to the employee shares.

Voting rights and shares June 30, 2024

Shareholder Shares Share Voting right

(pcs) (%) (%)

ORDINARY SHARES: 10,631,674 100.00 90.14
Directors and management 1,789,082 16.83 15.99
Bojár Gábor - Chairman of the BoD 1,685,125 15.85 15.06
Dr. Kálmán János - Member of the BoD 13,500 0.13 0.12
Kocsány János - Member of the BoD, CEO 90,457 0.85 0.81

Shareholders over 5% share 2,752,680 25.89 24.61
HOLD Alapkezelő Zrt. 1,252,680 11.78 11.20
B.N.B.A. Holding Zrt. 1,500,000 14.11 13.41
Other shareholders 5,540,836 52.12 49.53
Treasury shares* 549,076 5.16 -

EMPLOYEE SHARES**: 1,876,167 - 9.86
Kocsány János - Member of the BoD, CEO 923,213 - 8.25
Farkas Ildikó - Member of the BoD, CFO

Employee treasury shares*
- -

SHARES TOTAL: 12,507,841 100.00 100.00

* Treasury shares possessed by the Company do not pay dividend and bear no voting rights.

All Announcements are available in English from September 16, 2015.
Financial Reports are available in English from January 1, 2009.

Extraordinary information October 2, 2024
Announcement on the conclusion of rental contracts

Other information
October 1, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information September 24, 2024
Extraordinary Announcement about personal changes in 2025

Other information
August 30, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

Half-year report
August 13, 2023
2024 H1 report

Other information
July 31, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information July 26, 2024
Announcement on non-binding Heads of Terms agreement

Extraordinary information July 1, 2024
Announcement on change in the proportion of voting rights

Other information
July 1, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

ESG report
June 10, 2024
Graphisoft Park SE - Sustainability Report 2023 (ESG Report)

Other information
May 31, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

Quarterly Report 2024 Q1
May 14, 2024
Quarterly Report 2024 Q1

Extraordinary information May 13, 2024
Announcement on exploring the possibility of residential development in the Company’s southern development area

Other information
April 30, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

Dividend payment
April 29, 2024
Announcement on the payment of the dividend for the financial year 2023

Corporate Governance Report 
April 29, 2024

CG report

Annual report 2023
April 29, 2024

IFRS _Annual report 2023

Standalone audit report

Consolidated audit report

GM - Resolutions
April 29, 2024

Resolutions of the General Meeting of Graphisoft Park SE held on April 29, 2024

Other information
March 31, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

GM - Proposals
March 26, 2024

The Board of Directors of Graphisoft Park SE hereby publishes the submission and resolution proposal in connection with the agenda of the General Meeting to be held on April 29, 2024

General Meeting submission

IFRS _Annual report 2023

Standalone audit report

Consolidated audit report

AC report

CG report

Remuneration report

General Meeting invitation 
March 26, 2024

GM invitation

Power of attorney for the GM

Power of attorney for the GM for employee

Other information
March 26, 2024

Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information March 12, 2024
Extraordinary announcement on employee shares

Share capital, voting rights

Other information
March 1, 2024
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information February 23, 2024
Announcement on change in the proportion of voting rights

Quarterly Report 2023 Q4
February 20, 2024
Quarterly Report 2023 Q4

Extraordinary information February 9, 2024
Extraordinary announcement on the transition to paying dividends in euros

Other information
January 31, 2024
Share capital, voting rights

Other information
December 29, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Calendar of Events 2024
December 13, 2023
Calendar of Events 2024

Other information
December 1, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information November 27, 2023
Extraordinary announcement on the change of operations manager and on employee shares transaction

ESG report
November 21, 2023
Graphisoft Park SE - Sustainability Report 2022 (ESG Report)

Quarterly Report 2023 Q3
November 9, 2023
Quarterly Report 2023 Q3

Other information
October 31, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Other information
September 29, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information September 6, 2023
Extraordinary announcement on the timing of the market maker agreement

Extraordinary information September 1, 2023
Extraordinary announcement on market maker agreement

Other information
August 31, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Half-year report
August 9, 2023
2022 H1 report

Other information
July 31, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Other information
June 30, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Other information
May 31, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Quarterly Report 2023 Q1
March 9, 2023
Quarterly Report 2023 Q1

Dividend payment
April 29, 2023
Announcement on the payment of the dividend for the financial year 2022

Corporate Governance Report 
April 28, 2023

Corporate Governance Report

Annual report 2022
April 28, 2023

IFRS _Annual report 2022

Standalone audit report

Standalone audit report

GM - Resolutions
April 28, 2023

Resolutions of the General Meeting of Graphisoft Park SE held on April 28, 2023.

Other information
April 28, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information April 6, 2023
Extraordinary announcement on employee shares

Other information
March 31, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information
March 27, 2023

Dividend payment in EUR - postponed

GM - Proposals
March 27, 2023

The Board of Directors of Graphisoft Park SE hereby publishes the submission and resolution proposal in connection with the agenda of the General Meeting to be held on April 28, 2023

General Meeting submission

IFRS _Annual report 2022

Standalone audit report

Consolidated audit report

AC report

CG report

Remuneration report

General Meeting invitation 
March 27, 2023 2
GM invitation

Power of attorney for the GM

Power of attorney for the GM for employee

Other information
March 27, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information
March 16, 2023
Extraordinary information on the replacement of employee shares

Other information
February 28, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Quarterly Report 2022 Q4
February 21, 2023
Quarterly Report 2022 Q4

Extraordinary information
February 6, 2023
With effect from 15 February 2023, the subscription will be based on EUR

Other information
January 31, 2023
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information
January 2, 2023
Remediation deadline - another 2-year extension

Other information
December 30, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Calendar of Events 2023
December 19, 2022
Calendar of Events 2023

Extraordinary information
December 16, 2022
The expected effective date of the subscription of shares in euro - 15 February 2023

Extraordinary information
December 5, 2022
Modification of the listing and trading of the Company’s shares from forint to euro

Other information
November 30, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

GM - Resolutions
November 29, 2022
Resolutions of the General Meeting of Graphisoft Park SE held on November 29, 2022.

Quarterly Report 2022 Q3
November 8, 2022
Quarterly Report 2022 Q3

GM - Proposals
October 28, 2022
The Board of Directors of Graphisoft Park SE hereby publishes the submission and resolution proposal in connection with the agenda of the General Meeting to be held on November 29, 2022

General Meeting submission

General Meeting invitation 
October 28, 2022 2
GM invitation

Power of attorney for the GM

Power of attorney for the GM for employee

Other information
October 28, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information
September 26, 2022
Extraordinary announcement on MNB warning

Other information
September 6, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Half-year report
August 9, 2022
2022 H1 report

Other information
July 29, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Other information
June 30, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Extraordinary information
June 30, 2022
Changes in management  

Extraordinary information
June 30, 2022
Extraordinary information on employee shares transaction

Extraordinary information
June 21, 2022
Information on the expected date of remediation

Other information
May 31, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Quarterly Report 2022 Q1
May 10, 2022
Quarterly Report 2022 Q1

Other information
May 2, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Dividend payment
April 21, 2022
Announcement on the payment of the dividend for the financial year 2021

Articles of Association
April 21, 2022

Articles of Associations

Corporate Governance Report 
April 21, 2022
Corporate Governance Report

Annual report 2021
April 21, 2022
Graphisoft Park SE Annual Report for the year 2021 (IFRS, consolidated) ZIP

Graphisoft Park SE Annual Report for the year 2021 (IFRS, consolidated) PDF

Graphisoft Park SE Annual Report for the year 2021 (IFRS, standalone) ZIP

Graphisoft Park SE Annual Report for the year 2021 (IFRS, standalone) PDF

GM - Resolutions
April 21, 2022
Resolutions of the General Meeting of Graphisoft Park SE held on April 21, 2022.

Other information
March 31, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

GM - Proposals
March 21, 2022
The Board of Directors of Graphisoft Park SE hereby publishes the submissions and resolution proposals in connection with the agenda of the General Meeting to be held on April 21, 2022

General Meeting submissions

AC report

CG report

IFRS Annual report (consolidated) 2021


Parent company Annual_report 2021


Amendment to the Articles of association

Management Share Option Plan_2nd_am.

General Meeting invitation 
March 21, 2022 2
GM invitation

Power of attorney for the GM

Power of attorney for the GM 2022 for employee

Extraordinary information
March 11, 2022
Extraordinary information on employee shares transaction

Other information
February 28, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

Quarterly Report 2021 Q4
February 22, 2022
Quarterly Report 2021 Q4

Other information
January 31, 2022
Share capital, voting rights

  • Address:
    1031 Budapest,
    Záhony utca 7.
  • Telephone:
    +36 1  815 3400
  • E-mail:

With inquiries about available offices please contact
János Kocsány, CEO
[email protected]
+ 36 20 661 2401